Folder Details

From top to bottom:

  1. The mountpoint is the folder/location where you access your unlocked data. When the folder is locked, the mountpoint is usually empty, but can actually contain other, non-encrypted data. If a mountpoint contains any existing data, it is "covered up" when the folder is unlocked. This can be useful as a security measure, as it becomes non-obvious that you have any encrypted data at all when your folders are locked.
  2. The disk image is a file that actually contains your encrypted data. This is the file that you want to backup. As a security note: it's protected by a long super-strong random password generated by Espionage. You can get this password by clicking the Copy password action. That password is protected in Espionage's secure database by your master password.
  3. Actions:
    • Click Decrypt folder to restore the folder back to its original, unprotected state.
    • Click Copy password to copy the random password that Espionage generated for the disk image.
    • Click Adjust folder size to adjust the size of the disk image on disk.
  4. Options:
    • Auto-unlock this folder when Espionage starts up. Will result in a prompt for your master password when you login to your user account.
    • Spotlight enabled - whether the contents of the folder show up in Spotlight search results when the folder is unlocked. When it's locked they will not show up regardless.
    • Auto-lock the folder after the given amount of time. Adjust the global setting in Espionage's General Preferences.